BIOS Screenshots

At Puget Systems, we have a library of screenshots of the BIOS screens for the majority of the desktop computers we build. We share these screenshots here to the public, as a helpful reference for anyone who can benefit from them! Below you will find BIOS screenshots we have on file for the ASUS Pro WS W790E-SAGE SE motherboard.

BIOS screenshot thumbnail
Ai Tweaker
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
Specific Core
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
AVX Related Controls
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
DRAM Timing Control
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
Internal CPU Power Management
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
Tweaker\'s Paradise
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
Advanced Memory Voltages
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
Trusted Computing
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
Redfish Host Interface Settings
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
UEFI Variables Protection
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
Serial Port Console Redirection
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
System Storage Configuration for VROC
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
PCI Subsystem Settings
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
USB Configuration
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
Network Stack Configuration
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
NVMe Configuration
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
HDD/SSD SMART Information
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
CPU Configuration
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
APM Configuration
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
Onboard Devices Configuration
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
All CPU Information
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
Intel Ethernet Controller X710 for 10GBASE-T
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
VLAN Configuration
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
MAC-xxxx-IPv4 Network Configuration
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
MAC-xxxx-IPv6 Network Configuration
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
Platform Config
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
PCH Configuration
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
Workstation ME Configuration
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
Runtime Error Logging
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
Socket Config
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
Processor Configuration
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
Common RefCode Configuration
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
Uncore Configuration
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
Memory Configuration
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
IIO Configuration
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
Temperature Monitor
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
Fan Speed Monitor
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
Voltage Monitor
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
Secure Boot
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
Boot Configuration
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
ASUS User Profile
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
ASUS SPD Information
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
ASUS Armoury Crate
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
Server Mgmt
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
System Event Log
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
BMC Network Configuration
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
View System Event Log
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
BIOS screenshot thumbnail

BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
Ai Tweaker
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
Specific Core
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
AVX Related Controls
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
DRAM Timing Control
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
Internal CPU Power Management
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
Tweaker\'s Paradise
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
Advanced Memory Voltages
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
Trusted Computing
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
Redfish Host Interface Settings
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
UEFI Variables Protection
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
Serial Port Console Redirection
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
System Storage Configuration for VROC
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
PCI Subsystem Settings
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
USB Configuration
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
Network Stack Configuration
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
NVMe Configuration
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
HDD/SSD SMART Information
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
CPU Configuration
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
APM Configuration
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
Onboard Devices Configuration
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
All CPU Information
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
Intel Ethernet Controller X710 for 10GBASE-T
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
VLAN Configuration
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
MAC-xxxx-IPv4 Network Configuration
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
MAC-xxxx-IPv6 Network Configuration
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
Platform Config
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
PCH Configuration
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
Workstation ME Configuration
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
Runtime Error Logging
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
Socket Config
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
Processor Configuration
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
Common RefCode Configuration
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
Uncore Configuration
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
Memory Configuration
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
IIO Configuration
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
Temperature Monitor
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
Fan Speed Monitor
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
Voltage Monitor
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
Secure Boot
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
Boot Configuration
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
ASUS User Profile
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
ASUS SPD Information
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
ASUS Armoury Crate
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
Server Mgmt
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
System Event Log
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
BMC Network Configuration
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
View System Event Log
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
BIOS screenshot thumbnail

BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
Ai Tweaker
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
Specific Core
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
AVX Related Controls
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
DRAM Timing Control
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
Internal CPU Power Management
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
Tweaker\'s Paradise
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
Advanced Memory Voltages
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
Trusted Computing
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
Redfish Host Interface Settings
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
UEFI Variables Protection
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
Serial Port Console Redirection
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
System Storage Configuration for VROC
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
PCI Subsystem Settings
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
USB Configuration
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
Network Stack Configuration
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
NVMe Configuration
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
HDD/SSD SMART Information
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
CPU Configuration
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
APM Configuration
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
Onboard Devices Configuration
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
All CPU Information
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
Intel Ethernet Controller X710 for 10GBASE-T
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
VLAN Configuration
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
MAC-xxxx-IPv4 Network Configuration
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
MAC-xxxx-IPv6 Network Configuration
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
Platform Config
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
PCH Configuration
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
Workstation ME Configuration
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
Runtime Error Logging
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
Socket Config
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
Processor Configuration
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
Common RefCode Configuration
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
Uncore Configuration
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
Memory Configuration
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
IIO Configuration
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
Temperature Monitor
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
Fan Speed Monitor
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
Voltage Monitor
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
Secure Boot
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
Boot Configuration
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
ASUS User Profile
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
ASUS SPD Information
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
ASUS Armoury Crate
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
Server Mgmt
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
System Event Log
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
BMC Network Configuration
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
View System Event Log
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
BIOS screenshot thumbnail

BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
Ai Tweaker
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
Specific Core
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
AVX Related Controls
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
DRAM Timing Control
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
Internal CPU Power Management
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
Tweaker\'s Paradise
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
Advanced Memory Voltages
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
Trusted Computing
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
Redfish Host Interface Settings
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
UEFI Variables Protection
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
Serial Port Console Redirection
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
System Storage Configuration for VROC
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
PCI Subsystem Settings
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
USB Configuration
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
Network Stack Configuration
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
NVMe Configuration
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
HDD/SSD SMART Information
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
CPU Configuration
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
APM Configuration
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
Onboard Devices Configuration
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
PCIe Redriver Tuning
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
All CPU Information
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
Intel Ethernet Controller X710 for 10GBASE-T
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
VLAN Configuration
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
MAC-xxxx-IPv4 Network Configuration
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
MAC-xxxx-IPv6 Network Configuration
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
Platform Config
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
PCH Configuration
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
Workstation ME Configuration
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
Runtime Error Logging
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
Socket Config
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
Processor Configuration
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
Common RefCode Configuration
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
Uncore Configuration
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
Memory Configuration
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
IIO Configuration
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
Temperature Monitor
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
Fan Speed Monitor
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
Voltage Monitor
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
Secure Boot
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
Boot Configuration
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
ASUS User Profile
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
ASUS SPD Information
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
ASUS Armoury Crate
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
Server Mgmt
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
System Event Log
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
BMC Network Configuration
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
View System Event Log
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
BIOS screenshot thumbnail

BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
Ai Tweaker
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
Specific Core
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
AVX Related Controls
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
DRAM Timing Control
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
Internal CPU Power Management
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
Tweaker\'s Paradise
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
Advanced Memory Voltages
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
Trusted Computing
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
Redfish Host Interface Settings
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
UEFI Variables Protection
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
Serial Port Console Redirection
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
System Storage Configuration for VROC
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
PCI Subsystem Settings
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
USB Configuration
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
Network Stack Configuration
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
NVMe Configuration
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
HDD/SSD SMART Information
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
CPU Configuration
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
APM Configuration
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
Onboard Devices Configuration
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
PCIe Redriver Tuning
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
All CPU Information
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
Intel Ethernet Controller X710 for 10GBASE-T
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
VLAN Configuration
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
MAC-xxxx-IPv4 Network Configuration
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
MAC-xxxx-IPv6 Network Configuration
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
Platform Config
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
PCH Configuration
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
Workstation ME Configuration
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
Runtime Error Logging
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
Socket Config
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
Processor Configuration
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
Common RefCode Configuration
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
Uncore Configuration
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
Memory Configuration
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
IIO Configuration
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
Temperature Monitor
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
Fan Speed Monitor
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
Voltage Monitor
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
Secure Boot
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
Boot Configuration
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
ASUS User Profile
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
ASUS SPD Information
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
ASUS Armoury Crate
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
Server Mgmt
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
System Event Log
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
BMC Network Configuration
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
View System Event Log
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
BIOS screenshot thumbnail

BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
Ai Tweaker
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
Specific Core
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
AVX Related Controls
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
DRAM Timing Control
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
Internal CPU Power Management
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
Tweaker\'s Paradise
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
Advanced Memory Voltages
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
Trusted Computing
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
Redfish Host Interface Settings
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
UEFI Variables Protection
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
Serial Port Console Redirection
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
System Storage Configuration for VROC
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
PCI Subsystem Settings
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
USB Configuration
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
Network Stack Configuration
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
NVMe Configuration
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
HDD/SSD SMART Information
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
CPU Configuration
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
APM Configuration
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
Onboard Devices Configuration
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
PCIe Redriver Tuning
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
All CPU Information
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
Intel Ethernet Controller X710 for 10GBASE-T
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
VLAN Configuration
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
MAC-xxxx-IPv4 Network Configuration
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
MAC-xxxx-IPv6 Network Configuration
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
Platform Config
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
PCH Configuration
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
Workstation ME Configuration
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
Runtime Error Logging
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
Socket Config
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
Processor Configuration
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
Common RefCode Configuration
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
Uncore Configuration
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
Memory Configuration
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
IIO Configuration
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
Temperature Monitor
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
Fan Speed Monitor
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
Voltage Monitor
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
Secure Boot
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
Boot Configuration
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
ASUS User Profile
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
ASUS SPD Information
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
ASUS Armoury Crate
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
Server Mgmt
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
System Event Log
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
BMC Network Configuration
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
View System Event Log
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
BIOS screenshot thumbnail

BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
Ai Tweaker
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
Specific Core
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
AVX Related Controls
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
DRAM Timing Control
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
Internal CPU Power Management
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
Tweaker\'s Paradise
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
Advanced Memory Voltages
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
Trusted Computing
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
Redfish Host Interface Settings
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
UEFI Variables Protection
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
Serial Port Console Redirection
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
System Storage Configuration for VROC
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
PCI Subsystem Settings
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
USB Configuration
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
Network Stack Configuration
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
NVMe Configuration
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
HDD/SSD SMART Information
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
CPU Configuration
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
APM Configuration
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
Onboard Devices Configuration
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
PCIe Redriver Tuning
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
All CPU Information
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
Intel Ethernet Controller X710 for 10GBASE-T
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
VLAN Configuration
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
MAC-xxxx-IPv4 Network Configuration
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
MAC-xxxx-IPv6 Network Configuration
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
Platform Config
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
PCH Configuration
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
Workstation ME Configuration
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
Runtime Error Logging
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
Socket Config
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
Processor Configuration
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
Common RefCode Configuration
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
Uncore Configuration
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
Memory Configuration
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
IIO Configuration
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
Temperature Monitor
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
Fan Speed Monitor
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
Voltage Monitor
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
Boot Configuration
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
ASUS User Profile
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
ASUS SPD Information
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
ASUS Armoury Crate
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
Server Mgmt
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
System Event Log
BIOS screenshot thumbnail
BMC Network Configuration
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
View System Event Log
BIOS screenshot thumbnailBIOS screenshot thumbnail
BIOS screenshot thumbnail