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Preparing For Windows 11

The announcement of Windows 11 has resulted in many Windows 10 owners wanting to proactively ready their system to upgrade to Windows 11 when it is released. Some of the requirements are still subject to change but there has been enough information made public on how to prepare. This article will provide a short list on how you can prepare your system for the new operating system update later this year.

Using MemTest86

Guide of how to download, create bootable USB and run Memtest – also including instructions for running Windows Memory Diagnostic

Put Computer to Sleep screen

How to Disable Sleep Mode or Hibernation

We have seen a few problems with Sleep Mode and Hibernation in Windows 10, so I wanted to write this article to explain how to turn either of them off in case you would rather not use them.

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All About Thermal Throttling

“How hot is too hot?”, “Is my CPU overheating?”, “Is this dangerous?” Intro Each year’s new CPUs require more and more power and more power means more heat! I recall a time when the runaway heat from a CPU could melt a motherboard and cause the CPU to fall right out of its socket. Those

Linux Live Environment

Puget provides a Tools USB with a plethora of tools preinstalled. One of the most useful is the Linux Live Environment so if you’re wondering how to access or use it, check this out!

DaVinci Resolve Initial Troubleshooting

DaVinci Resolve is a powerful application but when errors, lag, or crashing present it’s helpful to know the basics of troubleshooting. This article will cover many of the common issues and their relative solutions.

Windows 10 Sleep Issues

Windows 10 update will occasionally prevent proper sleep even when set correctly. Sometimes simply turning sleep off and back on seems to solve the problem but occasionally more work is needed, this article will cover the solutions we have found to be successful.

Using MemTest86

Guide of how to download, create bootable USB and run Memtest – also including instructions for running Windows Memory Diagnostic